More than just a scanner a Software platform too…

ProGlove gives the most efficient wearable documentation and worker guidance system and to provide you with the data you need, it comes with ProGlove Insights software.

scanning software
Automation Structure

Gain more competitive edge…

ProGlove Insights connects the dots, optimises the processes, removes the superfluous steps, and provide insights in real time.

  • The ProGlove System is designed as an open system to improve, ease up and integrate the worker into today’s digitised environments.
  • You can seamlessly incorporate ProGlove into your backend and device management systems.
  • ProGlove Insights will combine with mobile or stationary devices.
  • ProGlove have worked with leading industry intralogistics software providers to ensure the best solution with the easiest integration.
Proglove scanning software
Proglove scanning software
Scanning Software

Better understand the productivity and performance of your workforce…

Insight Process Analytics provides the missing, people centred interface to drive operational excellence, using the MARK scanners range.

ProGlove Insight software allows you too:

  • Understand your performance levels – every scan marks a workflow checkpoint. Process Analytics gives you the means to evaluate the performance on your processes in real time.
  • Continuous time and motion data – better understand productivity and performance through understanding the physical efforts of your workforce.
  • Optimise technical performance – use scanning on order fulfilment to examine and remove bottlenecks. Use Process Analytics to document quality issues or other tasks.
ProGlove Insight

Use ProGlove Insight to improve worker experience…

ProGlove Insight is an API-first platform which unlocks the untapped potential of a connected workforce.

Using this new wearable technology, its dataset can help you improve the “at work” environment for your staff. You can drill down to better understand processes and get insights into work based events. ProGlove Insight will help you across three main areas.

  • Worker Guidance & Safety – use ProGlove’s wearable scanners and go beyond simple barcode scanning. Drive workflow enhancements through non-intrusive guidance, full transparency and proactive safeguarding.
  • Device Visibility – map all your ProGlove devices using Device Visibility. Track rollouts and scan performance and observe company-wide device location data in one place.
  • Connectivity – benefit from a full-suite of connectivity options that can be tailored for your ProGlove system, whether you use SAP, Oracle, a telnet-based system or your own enterprise resource planning system.