Discover the future of e-Fulfillment with our advanced software-controlled robots and equipment. Seamlessly integrated and optimized for efficiency, they revolutionise your operations in today’s demanding business landscape.

e-Fulfilment Software…
Our range of e-Fulfilment robots and technically advanced equipment is all software controlled, giving you the opportunity of having fully automated intralogistical operations that integrate seamlessly across your business.
The various hardware solutions that we offer come with their own software to ensure smooth, problem free operation. The main advantage is that this software will “talk” and integrate with your existing management and operational information systems. Providing you with the information and data feeds that you need.
For many businesses it’s time for a new approach to fulfilment. Delivering satisfaction in today’s highly expectant world requires smarter and faster technology and that includes the operational software that drives the machines. Our products use advanced fulfilment data and IT to instantly evaluate the facts and make real time, best outcome decisions to organise people, processes, technology and robots in the most effective way.

Improved data flow enables you to fulfil your intralogistics future in real time…
Competing in this age of immediacy means exceeding customer expectations. One way to gain an edge is to ensure you receive, understand and use your data effectively.
You need to rapidly respond to real time events, taking decisions and actions for every part of your operation – but most importantly around intralogistics. You need a fast, agile and precisely tuned business, always ready to meet the “What, When and Where” expectations of the markets you serve. At the same time, you must balance revenue targets with cost variables like labour and time. You need to meet shipping windows and plan inventory. Whilst our e-Fulfilment hardware can prepare you for all this it’s the software that gives you the control and data to achieve it. It’s a tall order but we deliver on both fronts!
Software for the Ranger series of robotic handling equipment…
Why a dedicated handling and fulfilment operating system? Because old conventions can’t serve the new normal. In today’s ‘impatient age’ clients, customers and buyers write the rules. Immediacy, convenience, choice and control are on their terms. Locking in their loyalty means your systems must deliver “no-excuses” satisfaction.
Consistently providing this level of service, in the era of same-day delivery, requires advanced fulfilment software science.
That’s because:
- The GreyMatter handling and fulfilment operating system drives optimal decision making, efficient orchestration and rapid execution across the entire intralogistics operation. So you’re ready in real time for whatever the market has in store.
- GreyMatter automatically gets smarter so your processes continuously improve. As every new scenario is instantaneously assessed in real time, high outcome formula histories are called up, tested, applied, rejected or accepted for accuracy, efficiency and speed.
- GreyMatter perpetually stores high performing outcomes on the basis of ‘what works best’. This dynamic knowledge base of data-driven information and best-case workflows accelerates and optimises every future decision and scenario to deliver perpetually improving operations.

- GreyMatter seamlessly integrates software, smart robots and people, it instantaneously models best decisions to drive optimal workflows and execution using machine and adaptive learning.
- GreyMatter adaptive learning, machine learning and real time analytics dynamically integrate with GreyOrange intelligent robots to drive high yield performance in real time.