
Replace & upgrade existing pallet racking

The customer wanted to replace their existing pallet racking and drive in layout for new racking whilst reutilising some of the existing racking in another location.

The Ice Co Storage & Logistics

The customer wanted to replace their existing pallet racking and drive in layout for new racking whilst reutilising some of the existing racking in another location.

By rotating the pallet racking 90 degrees and removing the drive in racking the pallet holding space increased to 620 Pallet spaces.

An additional pallet racking storage location was created with the customers’ existing equipment and created 276 pallet locations.

This old location was dead space and the drive in racking was removed and purchased by us to off set some of the jobs cost.

The new racking was assembled onsite from separate components.

The work was carried out in an existing freezer space although the work was done at ambient temperatures!

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